Gow Mac Gc Manual

Manufacturer of gas chromatographs, GC detectors, trace, binary, and toxic gas analyzers, moisture, aromatic and total hydrocarbon analyzers, gas leak detectors Gow-Mac.

Gow Mac Gc 350

Gas Chromatograph SB-816 A unique combination of technologies GOW-MAC’s Series 816 High Performance Gas Chromatograph combines the industry’s leading digital GC platform with advanced detector technology. Th e result is a complete, high caliber GC capable of the accuracy, reproducibility and sensitivity demanded by today’s. The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors, 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

Gow Mac Gc Manual Software


Model Series 590 - Discharge Ionization Detector (DID) Gas Chromatograph

Gow Mac Gc Manual Pdf

From Instruments - Gas Chromatographs

Gow Mac Analyzers

The Series 590 Gas Chromatograph features our patented Discharge Ionization Detector (DID) which permits analysis of trace gas impurities in the part per billion (ppb) range. Manufacturers of UHP specialty, electronic and bulk industrial gases are successfully using the Series 590 DID GC to analyze gases for ppb level of contamination.

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Product Overview

Gow Mac Gc Manual Download

Each Series 590 GC is custom built to a particular application. Contact us to discuss the details or your specific requirements.

  • Discharge Ionization Detector (DID) — non-selective, non-radioactive, universal and concentration dependent
  • Detector sensitivity: < 10 ppb CH4
  • Detector linearity: > 105
  • Dynamic range of < 5 ppb to < 1% by volume
  • High analytical precision: ± 1% full scale
  • Output: 4-20 mA (optional); 0-1 mV
  • Helium purged housing eliminates system contamination and increases system sensitivity
  • Bellows type metering valves for independent flow control of column carrier gases and detector discharge gas
  • Choice of standard or corrosion resistant system
  • Installation: bench or 19” rack mount
  • On-line monitoring and valve manipulation by software or linking workstation
  • Power: 120-240 V, 50-60 Hz

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