Manual Installation Of Rockbox Mac

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Manual Installation Of Rockbox Mac

Feb 11, 2018  I decided to sign up and post on this forum because I have been having a lot of trouble attempting to install Rockbox on my Ipod, and don't know what else I can do. Although I am using a Mac Mini (running Os X Sierra 10.12.5), I did manage to format my Ipod on Windows PC beforehand in FAT32. My Ipod is a modified SSD 256GB Classic (7th Generation).

If you can't stand the native operating system on your portable MP3 player, you can make it rock out with Rockbox. Rockbox Utility is an installer program that simplifies the complicated installation process of the open-source MP3 player firmware. While the firmware itself can be seen as a first step toward returning control of the portable device to audiophiles, the Rockbox Utility is as large a leap as going from a typewriter to a computer.

  1. 2.2.2 Manual Installation. The manual installation method is still available to you, should you need or desire it by following the instructions below. If you have used Rockbox Utility to install Rockbox, then you do not need to follow the next section and can skip straight to section 2.2.3. Installing the firmware.
  2. I have had my ipod classic 3rd gen installed rockbox both on Mac and Win7 with GUI or manual, however they both having the same problems that after install completed, the ipod having Rockbox running in there but it is so BRIGHT, that you almost could not seeing anything in there.

Compatible with more than two dozen MP3 players, including most iPods, iRivers, and Archoses, Rockbox comes with a detailed and lengthy installation and usage guide. The old autoinstaller was rarely successful and more often a waste of time. The Utility turns the installation process into something that almost anybody can do. Although users can resort to the old manual install if they like, there's no reason to not use the Utility. Fire it up and you're greeted by an intentional error: you must choose the device that you're going to load Rockbox on to. From there, the interface guides you through a series of options, including a full install, a stripped-down version, and various customizations organized by tabs. There's even an autouninstaller, if you decide that Rockbox isn't for you.


Rockbox itself is impressive. Besides being skinnable, it comes with dozens of games and productivity plug-ins like a chess clock, a drawing program, and a feature called Voice for users who have vision difficulties. The sound settings are completely customizable, from bass, treble, and balance to dithering and more complicated equalizing. You can also create CFG files for different setups, so you can have one for your car and one for your headphones. MPEG videos are supported on players with native video capability, and fonts can be sized to your liking.

Rockbox still takes some getting used to, but we think it makes an excellent options for audiophiles who feel constrained by immutable defaults.

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Installing Rockbox is generally a quick and easy procedure. However before beginning thereare a few important things to know.

2.1 Before Starting
2.2 Installing Rockbox
2.2.1 Automated Installation
2.2.2 Manual Installation
2.2.3 Bootloader installation from Windows
2.2.4 Bootloader installation from Mac OS X and Linux
2.2.5 Finishing the install
2.2.6 Enabling Speech Support (optional)
2.3 Running Rockbox
2.4 Updating Rockbox
2.5 Uninstalling Rockbox
2.5.1 Automatic Uninstallation
2.5.2 Manual Uninstallation
2.6 Troubleshooting

2.1Before Starting

Supported hardware versions.
The Clip is available in multiple versions, and you need to make sure which you have by checking the Sandisk firmware version number under Settings Info. The v1 firmware is named 01.xx.xx, while the v2 firmware begins with 02. Make sure that you are following the instructions from the correct manual.
DRM capability.
It is possible that installation of the bootloader may lead to you permanently losing the ability to playback files with DRM.
USB connection.
To transfer Rockbox to your player you need to connect it to your computer. For manual installation/uninstallation, or should autodetection fail during automatic installation, you need to know where to access the player. On Windows this means you need to know the drive letter associated with the player. On Linux you need to know the mount point of your player. On Mac OS X you need to know the volume name of your player.

Note: The following steps require you to change the setting in Settings USB Mode to MSC from within the original firmware.

2.2Installing Rockbox

There are two ways to install Rockbox: automated and manual. The automated way is thepreferred method of installing Rockbox for the majority of people. Rockbox Utility is agraphical application that does almost everything for you. However, should you encounter aproblem, then the manual way is still available to you.

There are two separate components which need to be installed in order to run Rockbox:

The Rockbox bootloader.

The bootloader is the program that tells your player how to load and start other components of Rockbox and for providing the dual boot function. This is the component of Rockbox that is installed to the flash memory of your Sansa.

The Rockbox firmware.
Unlike the Sansa firmware, which runs entirely from flash memory, most of the Rockbox code is contained in a “build” that resides on your player’s drive. This makes it easy to update Rockbox. The build consists of a directory called .rockbox which contains all of the Rockbox files, and is located in the root of your player’s drive.

Apart from the required parts there are some addons you might be interested ininstalling.

Rockbox can load custom fonts. The fonts are distributed as a separate package and thus need to be installed separately. They are not required to run Rockbox itself but a lot of themes require the fonts package to be installed.
The appearance of Rockbox can be customised by themes. Depending on your taste you might want to install additional themes to change the look of Rockbox.

2.2.1Automated Installation

To automatically install Rockbox, download the official installer and housekeeping toolRockbox Utility. It allows you to:

  • Automatically install all needed components for using Rockbox (“Minimal Installation”).
  • Automatically install all suggested components (“Complete Installation”).
  • Selectively install optional components.
  • Install additional fonts and themes.
  • Install voice files and generate talk clips.
  • Uninstall all components you installed using Rockbox Utility.

Manual Installation Of Rockbox Mac 2017

Prebuilt binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are available at the RockboxUtility wikipage.

When first starting Rockbox Utility run “Autodetect”, found in the configuration dialog (FileConfigure). Autodetection can detect most player types. If autodetection failsor is unable to detect the mountpoint, make sure to enter the correct values. Themountpoint indicates the location of the player in your filesystem. On Windows, thisis the drive letter the player gets assigned, on other systems this is a path in thefilesystem.

Choosing a Rockbox version

There are three different versions of Rockbox available from the Rockbox website: Releaseversion, current build and archived daily build. You need to decide which one you want toinstall and get the appropriate version for your player. If you select either “MinimalInstallation” or “Complete Installation” from the “Quick Start” tab, then Rockbox Utility willautomatically install the release version of Rockbox. Using the “Installation” tab will allowyou to select which version you wish to install.

The release version is the latest stable release, free of known critical bugs. For a manual install, the current stable release of Rockbox is available at
Development Build.
The development build is built at each change to the Rockbox source code repository and represents the current state of Rockbox development. This means that the build could contain bugs but most of the time is safe to use. For a manual install, you can download the current build from
Archived Build.
In addition to the release version and the current build, there is also an archive of daily builds available for download. These are built once a day from the latest source code in the repository. For a manual install, you can download archived builds from

Note: Because current and archived builds are development versions that change frequently,they may behave differently than described in this manual, or they may introduce new (andpotentially annoying) bugs. Unless you wish to try the latest and greatest features at the priceof possibly greater instability, or you wish to help with development, you should stick with therelease.

Please now go to section 2.2.5 to complete the installation procedure.

2.2.2Manual Installation

The manual installation method is still available to you, should you need or desire itby following the instructions below. If you have used Rockbox Utility to installRockbox, then you do not need to follow the next section and can skip straight tosection 2.2.5

Installing the firmware
Download your chosen version of Rockbox from the links in the previous section.
Connect your player to the computer via USB in MSC mode as described in the manual that came with your player.
Take the .zip file that you downloaded and use the “Extract all” command of your unzip program to extract the files onto your player.

Note: The entire contents of the .zip file should be extracted directly to the root ofyour player’s drive. Do not try to create a separate directory on your player for theRockbox files! The .zip file already contains the internal structure that Rockboxneeds.

If the contents of the .zip file are extracted correctly, you will have a directory called.rockbox, which contains all the files needed by Rockbox, in the main directory of yourplayer’s drive.

Installing the bootloader

In order to install the bootloader, you will need to download the following files:

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  • An original firmware (OF) from
  • The bootloader:
  • The version of mkamsboot for your operating system from

2.2.3Bootloader installation from Windows

Create a folder called “rbinstall” on your desktop, and then extract the OF, the bootloader and mkamsboot into it.
Open a new command prompt, and navigate to the “rbinstall” folder.
Run mkamsboot.exe, passing the name of the OF and bootloader files that you downloaded, in addition to a name for the output file.
mkamsboot.exe m300a.bin bootloader-clip.sansa patched.bin

If mkamsboot.exe does not report success, then retry or abort.

Copy the output file (“patched.bin” in the example given above) to the root of the device and rename it to the same name as the OF file you downloaded earlier (“m300a.bin” above).

2.2.4Bootloader installation from Mac OS X and Linux

Create a folder called “rbinstall” in your home directory, and then extract the OF, the bootloader and mkamsboot into it.
Open a new terminal, and navigate to the “rbinstall” folder.
Run mkamsboot, passing the name of the OF and bootloader files that you downloaded, in addition to a name for the output file.
./mkamsboot m300a.bin bootloader-clip.sansa patched.bin

If mkamsboot does not report success, then retry or abort.

Copy the output file (“patched.bin” in the example given above) to the root of the device and rename it to the same name as the OF file you downloaded earlier (“m300a.bin” above).

2.2.5Finishing the install

Safely eject the device, unplug USB and wait for the firmware update to finish. Don’t try topower off the device, it will shutdown by itself after a minute.

2.2.6Enabling Speech Support (optional)

If you wish to use speech support you will also need a voice file. Voice files allow Rockbox tospeak the user interface to you. Rockbox Utility can install an English voice file, or you candownload it from and unzip it to the root ofyour player. Rockbox Utility can also aid you in the creation of voice files withdifferent voices or in other languages if you have a suitable speech engine installed onyour computer. Voice menus are enabled by default and will come into effect aftera reboot. See section 8.10 for details on voice settings. Rockbox Utility can alsoaid in the production of talk files, which allow Rockbox to speak file and foldernames.

2.3Running Rockbox

When you turn the unit on, Rockbox should load.

2.4Updating Rockbox

Rockbox can be easily updated with Rockbox Utility. You can also update Rockbox manually– download a Rockbox build as detailed above, and unzip the build to the root directory ofyour player as in the manual installation stage. If your unzip program asks you whether tooverwrite files, choose the “Yes to all” option. The new build will be installed over yourcurrent build.

The bootloader only changes rarely, and should not normally need to be updated.

Note: If you use Rockbox Utility be aware that it cannot detect manually installedcomponents.

2.5Uninstalling Rockbox

Note: The Rockbox bootloader allows you to choose between Rockbox and the originalfirmware. (See section 3.1.3 for more information.)

2.5.1Automatic Uninstallation

You can uninstall Rockbox automatically by using Rockbox Utility. If you installed Rockboxmanually you can still use Rockbox Utility for uninstallation but will not be able to do thisselectively.

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This could be easily remedied by requiring a second click to verify that you want to stop recording before actually stopping. Lastly, while having the recording option built into the handle is great, on more than one occasion we had recordings inadvertently stopped when the intubator accidently hit the record button while recording an intubation. At 320 x 240 and 30 frames/second the resolution is about 1/4 that of a standard-definition television.

2.5.2Manual Uninstallation

Copy an unmodified original firmware to your player, and then reboot into the Sandiskfirmware. See section 3.1.3 for more information.

If you wish to clean up your disk, you may also wish to delete the .rockbox directory and itscontents. Turn the Sansa off. Turn the player back on and the original Sansa software willload.


“File Not Found”
If you receive a “File Not Found” from the bootloader, then the bootloader cannot find the Rockbox firmware. This is usually a result of not extracting the contents of the

Manual Installation Of Rockbox Mac Computer


Manual Installation Of Rockbox Mac Software

file to the proper location, and should not happen when Rockbox has been installed with Rockbox Utility.

To fix this, either install Rockbox with the Rockbox Utility which will take care of this for you, or recheck the Manual Install section to see where the files need to be located.

Rockbox Brick