Categories: Windows | Media Access Control (MAC) Addresses
- How can the answer be improved?
- Jan 31, 2011 I think we are all familiar with the manual MAC address issue - some software depends on the MAC for licensing, and in VMware you need to stick to a certain range of Ethernet addresses if you want to be able to manually put in your own MAC address.
- Mar 29, 2019 How to Change a Computer's Mac Address in Windows - Device Manager Open the Device Manager. Expand the Network Adapters section. Right-click on your adapter. Click the Advanced tab. Enter your new MAC address. Reboot your computer to enable the changes. Check that the changes.
In other languages:
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Jul 03, 2017 Change a MAC Address in Linux. For example, in Ubuntu you’d click the network icon on the top panel, click “Edit Connections,” select the network connection you want to modify, and then click “Edit.” On the Ethernet tab, you’d enter a new MAC address in the “Cloned MAC address” field, and then save your changes.
Manual Technitium Mac Address Changer
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Change The Mac Address
Manually changing MAC addresses
Serdar Yegulalp
The MAC address (or Media Access Control) of a network adapter is a hardware-level ID number that uniquely identifies a network card. Some network cards come with a MAC address hard-wired, but some can have their MAC address changed through software. (Check the network card's documentation to see if this is possible.)
If your NIC is one of the latter, then you can use the following procedure to edit the MAC address in Windows 2000.
- Open the Network and Dial-Up Connections window, and right-click on the network connection with the adapter you wish to edit. Select Properties.
- Click the Configure button to edit the properties of the network adapter.
- Select the Advanced tab. Select Locally Administered Address and enter the new MAC value. (If Locally Administered Address does not appear, then chances are your MAC address can't be edited.)
The same change can be made directly to the Registry:
Manual Mac Address Change Password
- Open REGEDT32 and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices.
- One of the subkeys under Services will be the driver name for your NIC. If you don't know what the driver name is, you can find out by getting the Properties of the NIC as above, clicking on the Driver tab, and then clicking Driver Details. My server has an SMC brand NIC in it, with the driver name SMCPWR2N.SYS. Consequently, the subkey is named SMCPWR2N.
- Add a new REG_SZ value in the appropriate subkey, named Old MAC Address. Add the new MAC address to use as the string value for this key.
Either way, when you make the listed changes, you need to reboot the computer. After rebooting, open up a command prompt and type ipconfig /all to verify that the new address has taken effect.
Change My Mac Address
Serdar Yegulalp is the editor of the Windows 2000 Power Users Newsletter.